Sufficient Enough To Be Extraordinarily Average
AUTHOR REVIEW: A bit pretentious with the absence of modesty. That's a rule I think everyone should follow: Always start out modest with your work. If it is not liked, no harm done. If it is supported and liked by many, then you get bragging rights. It just seems that the author gave himself a little more credit compared to what they should be properly endowed with.
FLASH REVIEW: The overall story was fine with me. I'm not really a fan of the FF series so you really could make anything, stamp Final Fantasy on the title, and I would agree that it's a FF game. Sound quality could've been better, but was far from inaudible. The voice acting seemed okay but could definitely be picked out if compared to an authentic emphasis. In general it was too expressive when you thought it wouldn't be and it was least expressive when you thought it should be. The style that this was presented in reminds me of some of the movies I see: It's a little "clippy." You start to understand one part of the story and then suddenly another part is thrust into your lap with no transitional phase. This is commonly used to get the plot and the feel of things to take on faster, but sometimes it's just annoying. In this case, it's a little of both. The quality of animation and how well the characters and background were drawn was adequate. I'm no good at artistry so anything better than a crappy, squiggly stick-figure is 100% fine by me. It had a somewhat ominous tone to it and I think that was the main focus. I can see that the author tried to approach at a comedy-based angle around the last quarter of the movie but it just didn't work. If the animation started with at least a minute (m%u012B-n%u014D%u014Dt) serving of humor then it might have worked better, but instead you're following this somewhat intriguing plot with a tone that's the complete opposite of comedy and after a while you suddenly get a couple random acts of humor. The actual humorous parts themselves were some decent jokes, but they were just too random to be near as funny as they should've been. It's like working with a jigsaw puzzle and you find a piece that doesn't quite fit so you get a hammer and smash it in. It's just not the right spot for that particular piece.
FOCUSED CORRECTION AREAS: Sound Quality - Polish that up a bit, m'kay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Animation - You could smooth that out so as to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>be less puppet-like.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Voice Acting - Our physical being is merely 1/3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>of what makes us human. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>Another 1/3 is our creativity, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>ingenuity, and imagination. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>Emotions, expressions, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>emphasis are the final 1/3. In >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>this flash you show the first 2/3. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>Accomplish that last 1/3.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Topic - If you're going for one topic, stick with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>it. If you're going with two topics, stick >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>with both of them and make sure they >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cont ribute to the experience equally. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Do not suddenly introduce a new topic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when the audience is trying to get used >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to the first one. If you have more than >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>one, show them all off in a motif-like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mann er and not in some odd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>occu rrence(s).